
Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Cup Experience @ 4th Street Live

As you all know, this weekend starts the Ryder Cup here in the lovely Derby city. Even if you're not a fan you can at least appreciate how nuts the city is about hosting this event (I've looked at the signs for 4 years now...) and you can be happy about what it is doing for the city's economy.

Billed as part of "The Cup Experience", this Saturday (09/20) Cabin, Peter Searcy and Arnett Hollow will play a show down at 4th Street Live with the admission being free while you proudly sport your Ryder Cup commerative pin (ahh, just like a Derby event.)

The show starts at 7:30 with Arnett Hollow and is followed by Peter Searcy at 8:30 and Cabin at 9:45. This should be a great show to get a good local sampling of music into the ears of some far away travelers and locals alike. I know the wife won't let us miss Cabin and we heard a rave review about Arnett Hollow's performance at the St. Hildegrad festival last weekend and can't wait to catch the show.

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