
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

MMJ to help save ear X-tacy

Hey Gang,

Louisville was hit with some alarming news. Our beloved independent record store and pillar of our community, ear X-tacy, is on the brink of closing down due to a decline in business over the last three years. We as a band cannot express how important local businesses are to the very fiber of a community, and stores such as ear X-tacy are prime examples. It is out of our distinct appreciation and respect for John Timmons and the ear X-tacy staff that we offer a digital download of our live album, CelebraciĆ³n De La Ciudad Natal, for $4.99, with all proceeds going to ear X-tacy.

The EP can be purchased at the ear X-tacy digital home page here:

Please support your local businesses…they need us and we need them!!!


if you don't already own this album or were on the fence about it, go spend 5 buck to get some great tunes and help save ear X-tacy in the process!

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