
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cheyenne Marie Mize: Review and Preview

I caught Cheyenne's in-store performance at EarXtacy last night. A beautiful performance by a beautiful woman. She was supported by Saredren Wells who just released a CD on the louisvilleisforlovers label. Also supporting Cheyenne and getting a few songs of her own was Joan Shelley whose new CD will be available for the first time at Friday night's Glassworks Rooftop Show. Joan is in Maiden Radio with Cheyenne, has filled in for her at Arnett Hollow gigs, and like Cheyenne is also a beautiful woman making beautiful music. I'm also looking forward to this release after getting a taste last night. Friday night's show is $8 at the door or you can run down to Ear Xtacy and get tickets there today for $6. Doors @8pm, show starts @9. If it rains the show will be on the first floor. Do yourself a favor and make it to this show and pick up both CDs while you're there!

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