
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Murals Rudyard Kipling Performance

Quick little post to get you guys some photographs and mp3s of Murals kick ass performance at the Rudyard almost a week ago. Sorry to keep everyone waiting, while I don't mind paying for a place to host pictures, I like to find free places for music files.

I only have one more thing to say and that is there were far too few people at the show, these guys need to be playing to packed rooms, people will learn soon enough I guess.

Show me more pictures!!

Murals - Stab Wounds
Murals - Skipping Track
Murals - Square Prism
Murals - Untitled Jam


  1. You might consider using a service like for your mp3 hosting.

  2. thanks Michelle, looks like KC checked that out and it be working.
