Edgehill Ave. will be playing a show this Saturday at Zazoo's in St Matthews. Singer Drew Perkins was kind enough to answer some questions about it and their upcoming album for us.
37: Can you give some background info on how this show between you and Lauderdale came about?
DP: When I'm bored at work I can only get on a few sites that aren't restricted or filtered. The My Morning Jacket forum has some entertaining posts and threads there and I can get on it for some reason. I saw where Cory from Lauderdale had posted a few things and followed a link to their band's myspace page. I really dug what I was listening to and mentioned something about maybe trying to get a show together if they ever came near Louisville. We're just heading into the studio now but wanted to book a Feb show to play some of the newer stuff and it just worked out great that they were willing to come and join us. I'm really psyched to hear them live, I dig their CD!
37: How is the new album coming along? Do you have a release date planned?
DP: The new album is really coming along great. The previous recording was really more of a demo that we did more to get some gigs lined up and get out there. It turned out pretty good, got some airplay, sold a decent number, etc. but it definitely was very early in our "career". We're really excited about this recording because we actually have a decent budget saved up and are taking a fair amount of time and planning to rehearse and work out the tunes. We are planning to record at Downtown Studios which wasn't something we anticipated figuring they'd be well outside of our budget but when we met with them they took an interest in what we're doing and are working with us. Billy Bartley has offered to help produce the record and Nick Stevens offered to help produce my vocals and it's a great room and facility so I guess the pressure is all on us. We're definitely evolving as a band to a more full electric sound and the writing is progressing I think or hope. We're planning on adding some very cool things like female backing vocals, and some additional instrumentation but we have to be careful not to get too far from what we do best which is, I think, our live performance.
We're hoping to have most of the recording done by the end of March so we'll see where we are at that point but I'd say late April is a good target date for it.
37: You have mentioned that money was tight for you guys last year when you recorded your first album. Did the sales of that album affect the options you guys had when going back into the studio in 08?
DP: Not really, I will say that that the sales and response to the first CD was encouraging enough to keep us going towards 08 though. Basically we had no money for the first recording and went into debt a little bit to do it but we worked our asses off in 2007 playing just about everywhere and anywhere to build up a recording fund and to learn how to play with each other. Now that we've got that built up we're planning on playing locally every 4-6 weeks or so and hoping to get out of town every so often. It's tough enough for an all-original band to draw a crowd but playing every week makes it more difficult.
37: Its obvious that you are a strong supporter of local music here in Louisville. Do you have any ideas on how to help gain more community involvement with local music?
DP: Well its clear that there is a ton of talent in Louisville...what's amazing though is the response that these great musicians and artists get. I mean look at Tim Krekel, this guy is tremendous but you can see him sometimes and there will just be a handful of people there. It's amazing that this can happen! On the other hand I don't know that the musicians community is always supportive of one another. We feel very strongly that working together benefits everyone involved, if one band starts making waves outside Louisville it will only draw more attention to the scene in general.
We've tried to do these Louisville Roots Music shows with other local bands and I think that kind of thing is a good idea, it helps promote all of the bands involved, Peak Summit is another. And we've been working with some local people who have helped support us and the local scene like okompromo.com and hillbippie.com but its tough. I think Louisville is making strides in the right direction but too many people are just content to go out and see cover bands instead of something they don't know or haven't heard. WFPK does a great job in the local community and now we're seeing blogs like you guys and backseatsandbar and consuminglouisville.com. It all helps bit by bit and hopefully we can help make Louisville a more progressive place to live.
Edgehill Ave - 10 Day Fire (live at WFPK)
Edgehill Ave - How You Really Feel (live at WFPK)
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