Matt Farra let us know about this great interview he did with Scott Carney of Wax Fang. You can read the whole interview
here. Some highlights are posted below:
nql: How has the music scene in Louisville changed since you returned home after college?
SC: When I first moved home, there was a collective of bands and musicians that operated under the name Debauchery Records. It was with some of these bands that I got my first shows when I was starting out. There seemed to be a lot of promise with a few of these groups in particular, but then the whole thing sort of fell apart. That is the last I’ve seen of a true musical community existing here, though, I don’t get out much nowadays, so I’m a bit at a loss. What I can say is that Louisville has had a great, eclectic music scene for some time now, from the beautiful guitar layering of the
Photographic to the Caribbean funk punk of the
Lucky Pineapple to the thrash psychadelia of the
Slow Break to the mellow jams of the
Fervor, to name a few.
nql: What did you learn by going on tour with My Morning Jacket in the fall of 2006?
SC: I learned that those guys are some of the nicest and most down to earth people I’ve ever met and are one of the, if not ‘the,’ best live bands out there today. Also, that driving from Austin to St. Louis in November totally sucks.
nql: It seems like the new trend in indie music is for bands to self-release their albums. With the album now out, what, if anything, do you think was hindered by you having your hands in all parts of the process?
SC: I see the DIY approach as more self-empowering than hindering. It allows you total freedom and control over your work and that’s not a bad thing. Right now, there are simply more bands than there are labels to house them, so unless you’re comfortable waiting around while your record sits on a shelf, you’re almost left with no other choice than to release it yourself.
nql: You have a number of shows between now and March. What’s the band’s plan for the rest of 2008?
SC: Aside from playing shows and writing new material, our main plan is to fashion a trailer/mobile home out of a sailboat!!!
Read The Whole Interview...